Thursday 5 May 2011

Royal Wedding

Oh my goodness I totally looooovvvveeeeddddd watching the royal wedding. It was even more exciting and fabulous than I'd prepared myself for! I know I'm a week late in commenting but I felt I still had to express how magnificent it all was (yes royal wedding haters, I just used the word magnificent). I was so happy for William and Kate/Catherine, it was a wonderful wedding and I was so glad we got to watch. You can really tell they are so in love!

Oh and the dress was perfect!!! So elegant and yet understated. So Grace Kelly-esque with the dress and flowers. An excellent role model I'd say.

I also particularly loved her evening one just as much and the fab little cardi. And didn't William look so handsome in his uniform?

One of my favourite parts was when the happy royal couple came out of Buckingham Palace in the Aston with all the ribbons on - a great tongue in cheek moment and fab to catch another glimpse of them!

I wished, after watching it all on the TV, that I'd gone down to London to see it and soak up the atmosphere. Can't see myself camping on the pavement though. I'm so glad I did get to watch it on TV though, it really did feel like watching a piece of history be written and made me proud to be British.

Oh and I was completely in love with the trees in the Abbey, they looked awesome. Even though I know all other brides in the country (and probably across the world) will be doing the same, I'm still very tempted to try to replicate the effect for our wedding in August. Only with much smaller trees.
