Saturday 4 June 2011

Quadruple layer chocolate cake

I made a four layer chocolate cake last weekend and it was so delicious (if I do say so myself!)
It had blue, yellow and red buttercream inside (I bought food colouring at Tescos and went a little crazy) and then was covered in chocolate butter cream, yum yum! 

I love making cakes but have to limit myself and try not to make them very often because when I do we just want to eat our way through them until we feel sick! 

I had to cut two cakes in half to make a semi-circle 4 layered cake, which was probably wise for our calorie intake as the slices were massive and we'd still be eating it this weekend if I'd made a whole one!

The Cadbury's fingers were a last minute addition as we'd bought some on offer when making a dash into Sainsbury's for our dinner last Saturday. The problem was we then ate our way through the rest of the packets too! 

Bad weekend for our wedding diets.