Thursday 22 September 2011

A little honeymoon extra

Weight unfortunately. Despite months of trying to lose weight before the wedding (admittedly probably not hard enough) I managed to lose a couple of pounds if that. Then a couple of days before the wedding I realise some usually quite tight jeans were feeling rather baggy. Perhaps they just need a wash I thought, turns out I had been so stressed and running around like a crazed woman the couple of weeks before the wedding that I'd forgotten to eat very much. Or rather hadn't had time for my usual comfort eating! Very much unlike me which demonstrates the stress levels involved! So I'd actually lost half a stone or so. (Thankfully the dress still fitted!) Very good news indeed I thought as I headed off on my honeymoon, to America, I'll just eat so I don't put more on rather than trying to lose weight, keep myself level I said to myself. Easy peesy! Wrong! I've been to the US many times before and I know my eating habits over there consist of fries, M&Ms, ice cream and more fries so I'm not sure why I kidded myself that I'd manage not to put on any weight but I often have these stupidly unattainable beliefs that things will be fine!

Fast forward amazing honeymoon of lots of delicious fried and sugar filled food and I've come back weighing as much as I did a few weeks before the wedding, which isn't so bad for a whole month of 'more fries please', but I was uber pleased I'd gotten under a certain stone and now I'm back well over it. Eurgh!

So the exercise regime has started again. To tell the truth, the only thing I was looking forward to about coming back from honeymoon (Monday back at work was one of the most painful days ever!) was getting to do some exercise again! I'm one of those weird people who genuinely enjoy running. Not just because it means I can eat more bread, chocolate, cheese once I get home from one, but actually enjoy being out there and pushing myself. However, my leg got injured in May/June so I'd had to stop running (the panic that ensued is another blog post entirely!) then there was the wedding, then the honeymoon so I'd not run in about 3 long months. I think the longest I've not run in the last 7 years was for a two week holiday so this was torture for me! Anyway, I've wandered from my point. So I went running at lunchtimethe first Tuesday back at work for a short 30 minute run to get back into it and boy did my legs hurt the next day. Hurt like I'd done a half marathon when in actual fact I did a loop through a park and onto a footpath for 33 minutes! So my running needs work but it was so fun being able to run without my leg being super painful and giving way beneath me. (This time last year I was walking around with super painful legs but basking in the glory of completing the Great North Run in a new PB so I really have a long way to go to get my fitness back!)

The last couple of weeks I've been able to get back on my jazzy new road bike (wedding present from husband, which I may have gotten a couple of weeks early due to severe trauma of ex-bike involving metal brackets snapping) and cycle to work rather than the train, cue more legs-that-haven't-been-used-in-so-long-pain. But good pain, feel like you've earned the pain type of pain. Kinda sore backside though!

Unfortunately because I'm exercising my subconscious then thinks it's fine to eat my weight in nuts, crackers and biscuits once I get home, and then eat dinner, so I'm pretty sure I'm balancing out the calorie burning with my calorie intake. Dam it! Maybe I should just give up and put on weight and stop shaving, that's what you're supposed to do once you get married right?


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