Wednesday 7 September 2011

Wanderer returns

I've been away. Both physically and mentally, in a parallel universe known as weddingdom. It was fantastic, stressful, amazing and all consuming. I started this blog last winter/spring naively thinking I could blog whilst planning the sh*t out of our August wedding all at the same time. Everyone else seems to do it so why can't I? Um because work and wedding planning was more than enough to try to balance for me (not that that worked out so cleverly either), let alone adding a blog to it. So it fell by the wayside.

Not that it left a huge hole in the blog world, or indeed a hole at all but it was something I was excited about doing, so is something I'm going to pick back up on now that I've returned from the the parallel universe I've been existing in for the last few months and from honeymoon (which was it's own kind of reality escape in itself!)

Thing is I now don't have any exciting wedding news to share with blogland or fun trips to suppliers, wedding dress shops etc. So it's just me and the simple (perhaps often a little dull) life that I'm glad to be able to get back to. Raw and uninspiring as that is, I love my life with my lovely new husband in our little house in the country, I just wish we could be on honeymoon forever...


  1. Hi Jenny! Just seen your blog - I may have a little read...


  2. Ooo hello!

    I'm new too. Would love to hear more.

    Things are good post wedding!

  3. Eeek comments, how exciting!

    Hey Esme, fellow brand new newlywed! Can't wait to see your wedding on AOW!

    Anna so lovely to have a comment from you, you're blogdom royalty! Love
    Your blog! Yep def enjoying post wedding de-stress!



Please leave me your thoughts or comments, I'd love to hear them...