Monday 7 November 2011


I love sunsets, and especially taking pictures of sunsets.

This dusk picture is from one cycle home a few weeks ago,
when it wasn't completely dark by 5pm!

Unfortunately I'm more often found gazing wistfully at a sunset commenting that 'I wish I had my camera', than being in the right place and time ready to snap away. I love photographing them so much that when we were on honeymoon I made my lovely husband wait in Kings Canyon National Park until the sun was going down so I could get some pictures. We had to race back up the tiny little vomit-inducing winding roads to where we'd remembered there being a good look-out point to see the sun disappearing behind the mountains. He was We were driving 4 or so hours to Yosemite after that but bless him, he still waited.

I think it was worth it...

But I'm not sure he does.

We also saw a tarantula going about his evening business whilst we were watching the sun disappear. 
This was as close as I wanted to get and this is using my zoom!

Turns out once the sun goes down, national parks are kinda scary places to be in. Nightime is truly dark there.


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